Letter N
Packages beginning with letter "N".
- nagios - Nagios monitors hosts and services and yells if somethings breaks
- nagios-common - Provides common directories, uid and gid among nagios-related packages
- nagios-debuginfo - Debug information for package nagios
- nagios-devel - Provides include files that Nagios-related applications may compile against
- nagios-plugins - Host/service/network monitoring program plugins for Nagios
- nagios-plugins-all - Nagios Plugins - All plugins
- nagios-plugins-apt - Nagios Plugin - check_apt
- nagios-plugins-breeze - Nagios Plugin - check_breeze
- nagios-plugins-by_ssh - Nagios Plugin - check_by_ssh
- nagios-plugins-cluster - Nagios Plugin - check_cluster
- nagios-plugins-debuginfo - Debug information for package nagios-plugins
- nagios-plugins-dhcp - Nagios Plugin - check_dhcp
- nagios-plugins-dig - Nagios Plugin - check_dig
- nagios-plugins-disk - Nagios Plugin - check_disk
- nagios-plugins-disk_smb - Nagios Plugin - check_disk_smb
- nagios-plugins-dns - Nagios Plugin - check_dns
- nagios-plugins-dummy - Nagios Plugin - check_dummy
- nagios-plugins-file_age - Nagios Plugin - check_file_age
- nagios-plugins-flexlm - Nagios Plugin - check_flexlm
- nagios-plugins-fping - Nagios Plugin - check_fping
- nagios-plugins-game - Nagios Plugin - check_game
- nagios-plugins-hpjd - Nagios Plugin - check_hpjd
- nagios-plugins-http - Nagios Plugin - check_http
- nagios-plugins-icmp - Nagios Plugin - check_icmp
- nagios-plugins-ide_smart - Nagios Plugin - check_ide_smart
- nagios-plugins-ifoperstatus - Nagios Plugin - check_ifoperstatus
- nagios-plugins-ifstatus - Nagios Plugin - check_ifstatus
- nagios-plugins-ircd - Nagios Plugin - check_ircd
- nagios-plugins-ldap - Nagios Plugin - check_ldap
- nagios-plugins-linux_raid - Nagios Plugin - check_linux_raid
- nagios-plugins-load - Nagios Plugin - check_load
- nagios-plugins-log - Nagios Plugin - check_log
- nagios-plugins-mailq - Nagios Plugin - check_mailq
- nagios-plugins-mrtg - Nagios Plugin - check_mrtg
- nagios-plugins-mrtgtraf - Nagios Plugin - check_mrtgtraf
- nagios-plugins-mysql - Nagios Plugin - check_mysql
- nagios-plugins-nagios - Nagios Plugin - check_nagios
- nagios-plugins-nrpe - Provides nrpe plugin for Nagios
- nagios-plugins-nt - Nagios Plugin - check_nt
- nagios-plugins-ntp - Nagios Plugin - check_ntp
- nagios-plugins-ntp-perl - Nagios Plugin - check_ntp.pl
- nagios-plugins-nwstat - Nagios Plugin - check_nwstat
- nagios-plugins-oracle - Nagios Plugin - check_oracle
- nagios-plugins-overcr - Nagios Plugin - check_overcr
- nagios-plugins-perl - Nagios plugins perl dep.
- nagios-plugins-pgsql - Nagios Plugin - check_pgsql
- nagios-plugins-ping - Nagios Plugin - check_ping
- nagios-plugins-procs - Nagios Plugin - check_procs
- nagios-plugins-radius - Nagios Plugin - check_radius
- nagios-plugins-real - Nagios Plugin - check_real
- nagios-plugins-rpc - Nagios Plugin - check_rpc
- nagios-plugins-sensors - Nagios Plugin - check_sensors
- nagios-plugins-smtp - Nagios Plugin - check_smtp
- nagios-plugins-snmp - Nagios Plugin - check_snmp
- nagios-plugins-ssh - Nagios Plugin - check_ssh
- nagios-plugins-swap - Nagios Plugin - check_swap
- nagios-plugins-tcp - Nagios Plugin - check_tcp
- nagios-plugins-time - Nagios Plugin - check_time
- nagios-plugins-ups - Nagios Plugin - check_ups
- nagios-plugins-users - Nagios Plugin - check_users
- nagios-plugins-wave - Nagios Plugin - check_wave
- ncftp - Improved console FTP client
- ncftp-debuginfo - Debug information for package ncftp
- ndoutils - Stores all configuration and event data from Nagios in a database
- ndoutils-debuginfo - Debug information for package ndoutils
- ndoutils-mysql - Contains the ndoutils ndo2db for mysql
- netdata - Real-time performance monitoring, done right
- netdata-debuginfo - Debug information for package netdata
- nethogs - A tool resembling top for network traffic
- nethogs-debuginfo - Debug information for package nethogs
- nfstash - NFS client CLI tools
- nfstash-debuginfo - Debug information for package nfstash
- nginx - A high performance web server and reverse proxy server
- nginx-debuginfo - Debug information for package nginx
- node-gyp - Node.js native addon build tool
- nodejs - JavaScript runtime
- nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
- nodejs-amdefine - Provide AMD's define() API for declaring modules in the AMD format
- nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
- nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
- nodejs-asap - High-priority task queue for Node.js and browser
- nodejs-asn1 - Contains parsers and serializers for ASN.1 (currently BER only)
- nodejs-assert-plus - Extra assertions on top of node's assert module
- nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
- nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
- nodejs-better-assert - C-style assert() for Node.js
- nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
- nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
- nodejs-buffer-equal - Returns whether two buffers are equal
- nodejs-bunker - Code coverage in native JavaScript
- nodejs-burrito - Wrap up expressions with a trace function while walking the AST
- nodejs-callsite - Provides access to V8's "raw" CallSites from Node.js
- nodejs-character-parser - Parse JavaScript one character at a time to look for snippets in templates
- nodejs-charm - ANSI control sequences for terminal cursor hopping and colors
- nodejs-child-process-close - Make child_process objects emit 'close' events
- nodejs-chmodr - Recursively change UNIX file permissions
- nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
- nodejs-cmd-shim - Used to create executable scripts on Windows and Unix
- nodejs-colors - Get colors in your Node.js console
- nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
- nodejs-commander - Node.js command-line interfaces made easy
- nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
- nodejs-constantinople - Determine whether a JavaScript expression evaluates to a constant
- nodejs-cookie-jar - A cookie handling and cookie jar library for Node.js
- nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
- nodejs-css - A CSS parser/stringifier for Node.js using css-parse and css-stringify
- nodejs-css-parse - A JavaScript CSS parser for Node.js and the browser
- nodejs-css-stringify - A CSS compiler for Node.js
- nodejs-ctype - Read and write binary structures and data types with Node.js
- nodejs-debug - A small debugging utility for Node.js
- nodejs-debuginfo - Debug information for package nodejs
- nodejs-deep-equal - Node's assert.deepEqual algorithm
- nodejs-defined - Return the first argument that is '!== undefined'
- nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
- nodejs-devel - JavaScript runtime - development headers
- nodejs-diff - A JavaScript text diff implementation for Node.js
- nodejs-difflet - Colorful diffs for JavaScript objects
- nodejs-docs - Node.js API documentation
- nodejs-editor - Launch the default text editor from Node.js programs
- nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP Agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
- nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
- nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
- nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
- nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
- nodejs-github-url-from-git - Parse a GitHub git URL and return the GitHub repository URL
- nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
- nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
- nodejs-growl - Growl unobtrusive notifications for Node.js
- nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
- nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
- nodejs-http-signature - Reference implementation of Joyent's HTTP Signature Scheme
- nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in js
- nodejs-inherits1 - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS - legacy version
- nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for node.js
- nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
- nodejs-jade - Jade template engine for Node.js
- nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
- nodejs-jsonify - JSON without touching any globals
- nodejs-keypress - Make any Node ReadableStream emit "keypress" events
- nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
- nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
- nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
- nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
- nodejs-mkdirp - Recursive directory creation module for Node.js
- nodejs-monocle - A tool for watching directories for file changes
- nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
- nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
- nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
- nodejs-normalize-package-data - Normalizes npm/package.json metadata
- nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
- nodejs-npm-user-validate - Username, password, and e-mail validation for the npm registry
- nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
- nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
- nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
- nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
- nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
- nodejs-optimist - Light-weight option parsing for Node.js
- nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
- nodejs-packaging - RPM Macros and Utilities for Node.js Packaging
- nodejs-promise - Bare bones Promises/A+ implementation for Node.js
- nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
- nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
- nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
- nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
- nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
- nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
- nodejs-readdirp - Recursive version of Node's fs.readdir with a streaming API
- nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
- nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
- nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for node.js
- nodejs-runforcover - Require plugin for JS code coverage
- nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
- nodejs-sha - Check and get file hashes
- nodejs-should - A test framework agnostic BDD-style assertions for Node.js
- nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
- nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
- nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
- nodejs-source-map - Node.js library that generates and consumes source maps
- nodejs-tap - A Test Anything Protocol library
- nodejs-tape - Tap-producing test harness for Node.js and browsers
- nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
- nodejs-through - Simplified stream construction for Node.js
- nodejs-transformers - String/Data transformations for Node.js
- nodejs-traverse - Traverse and transform objects
- nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
- nodejs-uglify-to-browserify - A transform to make UglifyJS work in browserify
- nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group name to a UID/GID number
- nodejs-underscore - JavaScript's functional programming helper library
- nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
- nodejs-with - Compile time `with` for strict mode JavaScript
- nodejs-wordwrap - Word wrapping library for node
- nodejs-yamlish - Parser/encoder for the yamlish format
- npm - Node.js Package Manager
- nrpe - Host/service/network monitoring agent for Nagios
- nrpe-debuginfo - Debug information for package nrpe
- nut - Network UPS Tools
- nut-cgi - CGI utilities for the Network UPS Tools
- nut-client - Network UPS Tools client monitoring utilities
- nut-debuginfo - Debug information for package nut
- nut-devel - Development files for NUT Client
- nut-hal - UPS Monitoring Software
- nut-xml - XML UPS driver for the Network UPS Tools
- nx - Proxy system for X11
- nx-debuginfo - Debug information for package nx
- nxcl - A library for building NX clients
- nxcl-devel - Development files for building against the nxcl package