Unsupported Ruby
Unsupported Ruby and rubygems
- ruby-augeas - Ruby bindings for Augeas
- ruby-hpricot - Non-Gem support package for hpricot
- ruby-mysql - A Ruby interface to MySQL
- ruby-shadow - Ruby bindings for shadow password access
- ruby-sqlite3 - A Ruby interface for the SQLite database engine
- rubygem-actionmailer - Service layer for easy email delivery and testing
- rubygem-actionpack - Web-flow and rendering framework putting the VC in MVC
- rubygem-activerecord - Implements the ActiveRecord pattern for ORM
- rubygem-activeresource - Active Record for web resources
- rubygem-activesupport - Support and utility classes used by the Rails framework
- rubygem-fastthread - Optimized replacement for thread.rb primitives
- rubygem-gem2rpm - Generate rpm specfiles from gems
- rubygem-gem2rpm-doc - Documentation for rubygem-gem2rpm
- rubygem-hpricot - A Fast, Enjoyable HTML Parser for Ruby
- rubygem-hpricot-doc - Documentation for rubygem-hpricot
- rubygem-mocha - Mocking and stubbing library
- rubygem-rack - Common API for connecting web frameworks, web servers and layers of software
- rubygem-rails - Web-application framework
- rubygem-rake-compiler - Rake-based Ruby C Extension task generator
- rubygem-rake-compiler-doc - Documentation for rubygem-rake-compiler
- rubygem-sqlite3-ruby - Allows Ruby scripts to interface with a SQLite3 database
- rubygem-test-spec - Behaviour Driven Development interface for Test::Unit